Festival Concert Band
Festival Concert Band invites all wind instrumentalists, of all ages and levels, to participate in the virtual band in 2021. These projects will allow musicians to submit video/audio of their own parts. Videos will be edited together into a large “virtual” band.
The Festival Band is conducted by Allen Frank. You may find more about him on the Festival Leaders page.

The main projects will be virtual band presentations of a variety of music. You will follow a conductor on the screen of the first device (computer, laptop, tablet), listening with headphones, and sing your part into a second recording device (smartphone, tablet). More detailed instructions are found at the links below.
These virtual presentations will then be shared with other Festival participants and the public in preludes, concerts, and worship services during Festival week.
Visit this page:
Unfortunately, the deadline for virtual band video submissions has passed. You may still use the resources to listen and practice.
- Once you register, you will be given a password to access all the band resources.
- Here you will find MP3 audio files of the pieces, with computer-generated brass and a percussion “click track”
- Also, there is a conductor video along with audio accompaniment. You may choose to either watch the video or listen only to the audio while you record yourself singing your part.
- Finally, you will find detailed instructions on the best ways to record yourself.
We are beginning our “virtual” projects with a few chorales and hope to add additional band arrangements over the next few weeks.
PDF music and MP3 audio of the band pieces are here:
Links to audio/video tracks for making your virtual band recording are here:
We hope to see you at the live in-person Festival in 2022 in Bethlehem, to play in ensemble and in fellowship.