Please support the 3rd UBF Festival! Donate Now
Donors – Host Families – Volunteers – Sponsors
The 3rd Moravian Unity Brass Festival is a unique opportunity to celebrate the musical heritage of this community and Moravian settlements and congregations all over the world.
Hosting or Adopting
HOST FAMILY – Please SIGN UP to host or adopt at this link –
or you may contact to discuss hosting a person, a couple, or a group during their visit at the Festival. Churches or individuals may host.
ADOPT A MUSICIAN – Churches, groups, and individuals may also adopt a musician, providing some or all of the host services and also donating to cover their registration fee, or even travel costs!
Volunteers are needed for a variety of assistance, from driving participants and airport runs to helping with meals, snacks, music, stage set up and equipment, etc.
Please SIGN UP to host or adopt at this link –
or you may contact
Donations to the Unity Brass Festival
You may designate your gift for UBF operational expenses or specifically to scholarships or the travel fund.
The 2018 Festival Planning Committee seeks those who value the UBF experience and want to encourage participation, especially by younger musicians, by supporting the Festival Scholarship Fund. Donations of any amount are invited.
A TRAVEL FUND has been established to assist international participants. Groups of international Moravian brothers and sisters are being formed in Germany, South Africa, and Labrador. Donations to help with travel expenses of these Moravian musicians may be made at or simply mail your contribution made payable to the Moravian Music Foundation, marked UBF, 457 S. Church St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Thank you so much!
Underwriting sponsorships of concerts and other Festival events are welcome, as well. Names of Sponsors at certain levels will be listed in the program.
Please make Checks payable to the Moravian Music Foundation and write “UBF” or “Unity Brass” in the memo line.
mail to:
Moravian Music Foundation
457 S. Church St.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Cash is accepted at either office (Bethlehem office at the Archives, 41 W. Locust St.)
call to charge with a debit or credit card:
contribute online: